Spring Flings

Spring Flings

We’ve had some fun things pop up this spring!

One of the most special was Remi’s school Mother’s Day luncheonsince their Graduation was Mother’s Day week), and it was so sweet. For starters, Remi wanted to match me, so black pants. Then, as she got ready, she gave me her little crown ring so I felt spe

They had a sweet little program for us, where I did cry happy tears as she sang a “Happy Mother’s Day” song to me. We ate lunch at the sweetest little tables. Her school goes all out. They had made us crafts with their handprints, set tables with flowers and tablecloths, and served us a precious lunch.

That evening, we snuck up to Fayetteville for the Popovich pet show. I had won tickets, and we took a little girl’s trip for dinner and a show. The show was so fun! Remi LOVED watching the dogs and cats and birds and pig and horse doing tricks.

That weekend, we got lots of rain (it felt like it rained for two weeks straight), but it was clearing up so we were able to hit up our town’s car show. Because of the weather, there weren’t food trucks or bouncy houses, but we did enjoy meeting people. In fact, Remi got to meet people who brought their baby goat and another with a baby raccoon! Random fun.

We went for brunch after the car show and then got to work building her a new backyard playset. She’s outgrown the one we bought years ago, and we saw a good deal on this one.

It took Tyler and I two days and a total of 13 hours putting it together. We needed our mo some of the big pieces (the roof and the swingset legs), but I’m proud of how we>

And Remi LOVED it!

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You Take the Good, You Take the Bad

You Take the Good, You Take the Bad

We’ve had lots of ups and downs in our house recently. One big up has been that I’ve had some freelance jobs lately, and that allowed us to save and purchase some new living room furniture!

We got new couches, a side table and TV stand. I love how it opened up our living room. Inhere’s so much room for activities!!

Now for the bad.

Our sweet Mikey had an eye laceration that SCARED THE HECK OUT OF US. Like, his eye wasn’t round….it was all mangled. Thankfully, our vet is Tyler’s friend and we took him over there Sunday night for a look over and a pain pill. The that Monday he had eye surgery. He’s pretty pitiful, and on 10 days of medications, but hopefully that will take care of his issues.

He’s been our baby since our first year of marriage. He’s my sweet boy, who is quickly becoming deaf and blind….but we will take care of him as long as he has a good quality of life! And he seems to still enjoy going outside and getting some loving. 🙂

New Rainbow Unicorn Room

New Rainbow Unicorn Room

Remi was outgrowing her crib, so it was time to upgrade to a big girl room.

She chose rainbows and unicorns for the theme of her room. And while I’m so sad to say goodbye to her circus nursery, we both love how this came together.

I ordered a lot online (it’s just easier than going to 100 stores), but we found a few decorations locally.

She got a new loft bed, and my old Playskool Victorian dollhouse is underneath!

You can also see her “thankful sun!” We have been adding a ray each night, and (with a little help), Remi is writing what she’s thankful for each day.

I crafted this print from some Shutterstock art that I pieced together. And her flowers are from dance recital!

We love the big unicorn vinyl on the wall! And my sweet friend Brandy found that rainbow pillow for her.

I think Remi’s favorite thing is this lamp. I love the unicorn head on the wall (and that the I Love You to the Moon print is still here! I bought it years before ever getting pregnant to hang in our child’s room).

Even her growth chart got a rainbow upgrade. She LOVES measuring herself!

So many fun touches, like the pom poms around and above her bed. And I love the unicorn bean bag (which is actually filled with her stuffed animals!). Also see the zoo on her bed: a rabbit, a koala and a peacock…along with about 4 loveys.

She’s growing up and it’s time for her room to reflect that. I’m glad she loves it so much. I spent a lot of time trying to curate the perfect things to go in there.

God’s Promises!

God’s Promises!

We’ve had some evening rain showers lately….just Spring in Arkansas…but MAN have the rainbows been showing out!

We’v rainbows right in our back yard.

The besright over our pond!

Love these reminders of God’s promises!

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